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With the entanglement of technology in every nook and corner of the world you will need the most agile and trusted framework for your websites and that’s where CodeIgniter comes to work. CodeIgniter is a proven open-source PHP web development framework that allows the developer to create dynamic gen-next apps. With this web

In today’s competitive world, UI of software, mobile app or a website is as important as its functionality. No matter how wonderful the features are, but if it is not user friendly, it won’t be successful. UI and UX Design increases user satisfaction as well as the conversions, and above all it ensure

Xamarin is a software company found in 2011. Xamarin provides developer with tools that can help them in building cross-platform mobile applications. The applications can have all the native features and also share the common codebase at the same time. Most of the common code is written in C# so you don’t need

Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications. Selenium provides a playback (formerly also recording) tool for authoring functional tests without the need to learn a test scripting language. It is a portable framework for testing web applications which Are open-source software. Primarily used for automating web applications for testing purposes but

Today’s world trade faces constant challenges and technology systems of today must rapidly adapt to the ever-changing needs of clients. Businesses aim on enhancing the efficacy and profitability in order to decrease operating costs and here comes forth the importance of ERP (Enterprise resource planning) services. ERP software typically integrates all facets of